
HVAC Business Owners: 3 Marketing Tips to FInd New Clients

As a HVAC Business Owner in the Midwest, you understand that expertise in marketing to find new clients is essential towards the growth of your company. There is much noise out there in the world of online and offline marketing these days. Where do you begin to understand the complexities that are involved among all of the chatter? As the CEO of a marketing consulting firm, SJWeaver Marketing Consulting , I constantly review and analyze other strategies to help our clients in this industry. Recently with my research I came across two very interesting articles that I thought I should share with my clients as well as those interested in improving their marketing efforts for finding new clients. The article Know the Right People, Gain More Heating and Cooling Business by Will Housh of HVAC. Com provides interesting insight on how to determine the select group of people for your business. An important place that Mr. Housh suggests to establish your connections is the local Chamber of Co